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research - past 90 days
* Energy drinks containing taurine appear to enhance information processing
Warburton DM, Bersellini E, Sweeney E.
An evaluation of a caffeinated taurine drink on mood, memory and information processing in healthy volunteers without caffeine abstinence.
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2001 Nov;158(3):322-8.
PMID: 11713623
* "Red Bull" and related energy drinks may enhance exercise performance and mood
Alford C, Cox H, Wescott R.
The effects of red bull energy drink on human performance and mood.
Amino Acids. 2001;21(2):139-50.
PMID: 11665810
Seidl R, Peyrl A, Nicham R, Hauser E.
A taurine and caffeine-containing drink stimulates cognitive performance and well-being.
Amino Acids. 2000;19(3-4):635-42.
PMID: 11140366
Baum M, Weiss M.
The influence of a taurine containing drink on cardiac parameters before and after exercise measured by echocardiography. Amino Acids. 2001;20(1):75-82.
PMID: 11310932
Horne JA, Reyner LA.
Beneficial effects of an "energy drink" given to sleepy drivers.
Amino Acids. 2001;20(1):83-9.
PMID: 11310933
Lieberman HR, Wurtman RJ, Emde GG, Roberts C, Coviella IL.
The effects of low doses of caffeine on human performance and mood. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1987;92(3):308-12.
PMID: 3114783
Men's Fitness:
"No Bull: Canned Energy"